Ceramic step ring
Ceramic step ring
Ceramic step ring
General situation of

Ceramic ladder ring has excellent acid resistance and heat resistance, can and can resist the corrosion of various inorganic acids, organic acids and organic solvents except hydrofluoric acid, and can be used in high or low temperature environment, so its use range is very wide. Ceramic ladder ring can be used in drying tower, absorption tower, cooling tower, washing tower in chemical, metallurgical industry, coal and gas industry, industrial oxygen production industry, and so on.

● ceramic ladder ring packing absorbs the characteristics of the short Rasi ring, but also changed the packing ring height and diameter of the same habit, reduce the height of the ring, thin the thickness of the material, and increase the flanging at the side end of the ring. Due to the increased flanging of the side end of the stepped ring packing, not only can the mechanical strength of the packing ring be increased, but also due to the destruction of the symmetry of the packing structure, thus increasing the directional probability of the packing. In addition, due to the influence of flanging, the contact between the packing ring gap is mainly changed from linear contact to point contact when packing is stacked. In this way, the gap between the packing particles is increased and the resistance of gas passing through the packing layer is reduced. Moreover, these contact points can also be the convergence and dispersion points of the liquid flowing along the packing surface, thus promoting the surface renewal of the liquid film and improving the mass transfer efficiency of the packing. Therefore, the performance of step ring packing is further improved compared with pall ring.

● ceramic ladder ring packing is the chemical production needs after repeated research and practical experiment after the use of the design and production of a kind of bulk tower packing after Rasi ring and Bauer ring, his structure to annular structure, chassis small opening large, and conical flanging at the opening. In the middle are two intersecting crosses, this open tapered edge can reduce the passage of gas, thus reducing internal resistance generation. And this design allows it to be filled with much more material. With such flanging, the mechanical strength of the filling material can be enhanced. If the production process conditions permit, ceramic step ring wall can be thinner.

SiO2 + Al2O3>92%CaO<1.0%

Bibulous rate<0.5%Mohs hardness>6.5 scale
porosity<1%Acid resistance>99.6%
The proportion of2.3-2.40 g/cm3Alkali resistance>85%
High operating temperature1200℃

modelsizeSpecific surface areaVoid fractionAccumulation numberPacking weightDry packing factor
mmmmm2/m3m3/m3Pcs/ m3kg/m3m-1

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Copyright © Jiangxi Aite Mass Transfer Technology Co., Ltd.    Gan ICP is prepared 2021000504-1

Company address: the intersection of Jinguang Avenue and Chongqing Middle Road, Anyuan Industrial Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province