How to maintain the cooling tower?Dateline:2021-02-09

1, the replacement of the packing, poor packing rigidity is weak, poor bearing capacity, easy deformation, loose lodging, directly lead to poor cooling effect or loss of cooling capacity, if such problems occur, unfortunately, the next time to replace the packing to strictly test.

2, part of the lubricating grease of cooling tower drive selection, at present, the domestic more than 90% of the cooling tower without lubrication of cooling tower are put forward specific guidance, simply that "add oil" instructions "grease", little imagine, cooling tower transmission part of the long-term work in high moisture, high temperature (especially some hot towers) environment, if improper selection, lubricating grease easily because the reasons for failure, such as oxidation, emulsion lubrication failure wear, led directly to the transmission system are: belt jitter, wear and tear; Reducer gear wear; Tower body shaking; Motor burn down, etc.

3. Antiseptic treatment of cooling tower pipe fittings, due to water quality and product quality problems of some manufacturers, many cooling tower metal structures rust in a short time, greatly reducing their service life, if not treated in time, will undoubtedly be scrapped in advance.

4. Install automatic lubrication system for the part that needs to be lubricated, some high temperature towers or large towers.

5. Cleaning, repairing and replacement of other FRP parts of such tower; Fan, motor, reducer maintenance and replacement; Fan static balance adjustment; Maintenance and replacement of water dispenser and water pipe; Reconstruction of cooling tower structure form; Thermal performance upgrade of cooling tower; Tower noise, vibration control and other services to improve the overall life of cooling tower.

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